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It simply means, keep quite.

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Q: What is let here be in a perfect tranquility to dominate the noise over the horizontal equivalence?
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Do perpendicular intersect?

Yes as long as they are not at a perfect horizontal angle

How do you use the word tranquility in a sentence?

tranquility = a state of calm, free from disturbance eg In Scotland is Glenmorangie, the Glen of Tranquility, so called because it was once a place of perfect peace and quiet

What is the grammatical error in the preamble of the constitution?

More perfect. Perfect is an absolute. You cannot be more perfect."We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility" - It should read "ensure", nothing is being insured.

What does the preamble begin with?

We the people of these United States, In order to form a more perfect union, establish justice ensure domestic tranquility.

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there are four two vertical two horizontal

What are the six purposes of the American system of government?

form a more perfect union / establish justice / insure domestic tranquility / provide for the common defense / promote the general welfare / secure the blessings of liberty

Match the following powers of congress with their examples A. Form a more perfect union B. Ensure domestic tranquility C. Secure the blessings of liberty?

A.Form a more perfect union A.Provide a check for executive power B.Ensure domestic tranquility B.Resolve disputes between states C.Secure the blessings of liberty C.Pass laws to guarantee protections under the Bill of Rights

How is your American government classified using three types of classification?

1) Form A More Perfect Union 2) Establish Justice 3) Insure Domestic Tranquility

What was purpose of the government?

6 purposes: Form a more perfect Union establish Justice insure Tranquility provide common defence promote welfare secure blessings of liberty

Why Stalin wanted to dominate Europe after?

Stalin wanted to dominate Europe after World War II to have a secure border for Russia. Another factor that came into play was the fact that Stalin felt that communism was the perfect form of government, and wanted to control the rest of the world through communism.

Who said you the people of the US in Order to form a more perfect Union establish Justice insure domestic Tranquility provide for the common defence promote the general Welfare?

abraham lincoln

How do you get a perfect spinach in harvest moon tree of tranquility?

all you have to do is plant spinach seeds and put any fertilizer over the seeds in the winter. you can sometimes even buy it from souffle farm