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Leviticus 25 is a chapter where the Lord is giving instructions to the Israelites on how they are to treat one another: with kindness and justice.

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Q: What is leviticus 25 about?
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What do Jewish people call that horn?

A shofar. See Leviticus ch.25.

How many times does the Bible book of Leviticus mention 'brought you out'?

The Bible book of Leviticus mentions the phrase "brought you out" three times. In Leviticus 11:45, it says, "I am the LORD who brought you up out of Egypt." In Leviticus 26:13, it mentions, "I am the LORD your God, who brought you out of Egypt." And in Leviticus 26:45, it states, "I brought the Israelites out of Egypt."

What was the purpose of the book Leviticus 25?

The purpose of Leviticus 25 was to establish laws concerning the Year of Jubilee, a special year of release and restoration for the Israelites and their land. It provided guidelines for the redemption of property, the treatment of slaves, and the importance of trusting in God's provision for the community.

What was written on the liebrty bell?

Proclaim Liberty throughout the land unto all inhabitants thereof. (from Leviticus 25:10)

Is proclaim liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof found in the Torah?

Leviticus 25 : 10 .

What does Leviticus chapter 25 verse 10 say?

It refers to the 50 year jubilee and the return of people to their land of origin.

The name Leviticus refers to what?

Leviticus is the third book of the Bible. Leviticus means 'relating to the Levites'

What bible verse talks about the Liberty Bell?

The inscription on the bell is from Leviticus 25:10 which says "Proclaim Liberty throughout all the land unto all the inhabitants thereof". Many people feel that this verse is appropriate because the church bells were rung in 1776, to announce that the US Declaration of Independence had been adopted.

What is the abbreviation for Leviticus?

The abbreviation for Leviticus is Lev.

What is the abbreviation used for the book of Leviticus?

Leviticus is abbreviated Lev

How many verses in Leviticus 4?

35 verses in Leviticus

What type of book is Leviticus in the bible?

Leviticus is a book of laws.