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A ray

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Q: What is line with one end point?
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Does a line segment have only one end point?

No, it has two. A ray has one end point.

What is a portion of a line with only one endpoint?

line= ____________________ has no end point ray = .______________________________ has one end point, other direction keeps going line segment = .____________. stops at both ends. has 2 end points

What is a one dimensional object with no end point?


What is a part of a line that has one end point?

a ray

A segment has exactly one end point?

A segment has two end points. If a line has one end point, then it must be called ray.

What is the subset of a line?

The line, itself, is a subset (though not a proper subset). A ray is a subset of a line with one end-point which extends in only one direction. A line segment is a subset of a line with two end points. A point is a subset of a line.

What has an end point or a starting point and can go from there in one direction is called?


Given that you know the length of a line one end point and a point on the line what is the other end point?

Point begin B, point end E (unknown) known point on line A compute vector BA, norm it (divide by its norm) then multiply the normed vector by the length of the line ; this vector BE. From there, get coord of E

Has one end point extends to infinity?

A straight or curved line truncated at one point.

What is line that continues in one direction that has a starting point but not a end point?

That type of line would be called a ray.

Does an endpoint go on forever in geometry?

the part with the end point does not, it stops at the end point. But if there is only one end point on a line, the other end does go on forever

How many end points does a ray have explain it?

A ray has one origin point and no end points. If it had an end point it would be a line.