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Q: What is linear attenuation coefficient of steel?
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What is the equation for self attenuation in radiochemistry?

The equation for the attenuation of a gamma-ray flux passing through a path of length x in a sample with linear attenuation coefficient u can be expressed as I = I0 e ^-u*x. For most environments, the value of u is not known and must be estimated by measurements.

What is an approximate linear absorption coefficient of steel?

linear absorption coefficientAccording to the results of a laboratory experiment I did, the gamma-ray linear absorption coefficient for aluminum is about 10m^-1, and for lead is about 48m^-1, so considering steel is roughly twice the density of aluminum, I'd guess it would be about 20m^-1, however this experiment is not confirmed.

Does brass expand more than steel?

Linear Temperature Expansion Coefficient (10-6 in/in oF) Brass = 10.4 Steel = 7.3 Therefore brass will expand or contract more steel.

Does the coefficient of linear expansion depends upon length?

yes,according to relation coefficient of linear expansion depends upon original length.

What is the cubical coefficient of thermal expansion for metals?

Since most metals are isotropic, the cubical coefficient of expansion is three times the linear coefficient of expansion. The linear coefficient of expansion is obtained from measurement and tables for the specific material which are readily available.

What is the value of linear absorption coefficient for Gold?

The linear absorption coefficient for gold depends on the wavelength of the incident light. At a typical visible wavelength of around 550 nm, gold has a linear absorption coefficient of approximately 5.5 x 10^5 cm^-1.

What is coefficient of cubical expansivity?

The coefficient of cubical expansivity is a measure of how the volume of a substance changes with temperature. It is defined as three times the linear coefficient of thermal expansion. It is denoted by the symbol β and has units of K^-1.

Does coefficient of linear expansion depend on length?

No, the coefficient of linear expansion does not depend on the initial length of the material. It is a material property that remains constant regardless of the length.

What is the coefficient in a linear equation called?

Due to some perversity in human nature, it is called a coefficient!

What is the coefficient of linear expansion of mercury?

The coefficient of linear expansion of mercury is 0.000181 per degree Celsius.

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