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Q: What is lower and upper limit in statistics?
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What are limits and why you use them?

Limits give upper and lower bounds for integration. One simple example is in finding an enclosed area. The upper and lower limits form vertical lines which enclose an area between the function and the x-axis and then integration from the lower limit (smaller x boundary) to the upper limit (larger x boundary).

How do you find the limit of outliers in box and whisker plot?

To find the limits of outliers in box and whisker plots, you first must determine the Interquartile Range. The Interquartile Range is the difference between the Upper Quartile and the Lower Quartile. For instance, if my Upper Quartile = 87 and my Lower Quartile is 52, then 87 - 52= 35. 35 is the Interquartile Range (IQR).Next, you use the formula 1.5 x IQR to determine if you have any outliers.Example:1.5 x 35 = 52.5Now determine the limit for the Upper Quartile by adding 52.5 to the Upper Quartile.Example:52.5 + 87 = 139.5139.5 is the limit for the Upper Quartile.Next, determine the limit for the Lower Quartile by subtracting the Lower Quartile from 52.5Example52 - 52.5 = -0.5-0.5 is the limit for the Lower QuartileThus, the LIMITS are -0.5 and 139.5. In order for a number to be considered an outlier, it must either be less than -0.5 or greater than 139.5

What is the meaning of class size in statistics?

The difference between any two consecutive lower (or upper) class limits it the class width.

How do you calculate the class boundary of the first class in statistics?

To calculate the class boundary of the first class in statistics, subtract 0.5 from the lower class limit of the first class and add 0.5 to the upper class limit of the first class. This is done to account for the fact that class boundaries fall halfway between the class limits.

What is the mode of grouped data?

To calculate the mode.. Add the lower limit and upper liit of the class interval with the most frequency. :)))

Related questions

How do you get the class interval for ungrouped data in statistics?

same as grouped data i.e. (upper limit+lower limit)/2

What is class limit according to statistics?

The lower and upper limits of a class interval are known as Class Limits.

What is the upper and lower limit of 20?

Twenty one is the upper limit and nineteen is the lower limit of twenty.

What is class boundary in statistics?

class boundary is the midpoint between the upper class limit of a class and the lower limit class of the next class sequence when making a class interval starting at the lowest lower limit in the bottom of a table.

What is class size in statistics?

The difference between the upper and the lower limit and we must add + 01 for that difference ..that is called a class size or widthex:-lower class limit = 10upper class limit = 20(20-10) + 1 = 11the answer is = 11

What is the upper limit and lower limit?

write a function which computes product of all the number in a given range(from lower limit to upper limit) and returns the answer

What is lower fence and upper fence?

The Lower fence is the "lower limit" and the Upper fence is the "upper limit" of data, and any data lying outside these defined bounds can be considered an outlier.

How do you calculate the class mark in statistics?

It is calculated by adding the upper and lower limits/boundaries and dividing by two. But in starting i.e. if you are drawing tables then it is written like for e.g. 0-10 then at starting we should write on 10 and then continue as written above.

What is class width?

Class width, from statistics, is the difference between the two boundaries of a class. A class is an interval that includes all of the values in a (quantitative) data set that fall within two numbers, the lower and upper limits of the class. Finally, a class boundary is the midpoint of the upper limit of one class and the lower limit of the next class.

In which class either lower limit or upper limit is missing?

open end class

What is signal bandwidth?

Every line has an upper limit and a lower limit on the frequency of signals it can carry. This limited range is called the bandwidth. The signals ranging within the upper limit & lower limit are called bandwidth signals.

What is the meaning of lower class boundary in statistics?

In statistics the class boundaries are numbers that separate classes without forming gaps. To find the lower, you subtract 0.5 and to find the upper, you add 0.5. If the class is 3-7 the lower class boundary would be 2.5 and the upper 7.5. The upper boundary of one class will equal the lower boundary of the next class.