

Best Answer

-45m + 68 = 84m - 61

39m = 7

m = 7/39

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Q: What is m if minus 45m plus 68 equals 84m minus 61?
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they are both the same! when you convert o.84m in cm it is 8400cm hope that helped;)

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8415 cm1 meter = 100 centimeters84 meter = 84m * 100 cm/1 meter = 8400cm84m & 15 cm:= 8400 + 15= 8415 cm

If you dropped a ball off a building from 84 meters high how long would it take to hit the ground?

Assuming no air resistance, it would take about 4.5 seconds for the ball to hit the ground when dropped from 84 meters high. This time can be calculated using the formula for free fall: time = sqrt(2h/g), where h is the height (84m) and g is the acceleration due to gravity (9.81 m/s^2).

What is the maximum recorded depth of lake Victoria?

The maximum recorded depth of Lake Victoria seems to be a point of discussion. Some books say it was 84 m. Others say it was 85m. Today's records even contradict themselves between 83m and 84m.

What are the ratings and certificates for Avalanche Express - 1979?

Avalanche Express - 1979 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:K-16 (1989) Finland:(Banned) (1979) Netherlands:12 Norway:16 (original rating) Norway:15 (re-rating) UK:A (original rating) UK:PG (video rating: 84m) (1987) (1998) USA:PG

A driver traveling at a speed of 21 ms tops a hill and spots a deer standing in the middle of the road 90 meters away He hits the brakes and panic stops the car in 8 seconds How far did the car travel?

Assuming that his acceleration was linear (ie. that he slowed down at a perfectly steady rate), then you can say his velocity at any point in those eight seconds was: 21 - t(21 / 8) m/s To get the distance covered in that time, you can simply take the area under that line between 0 seconds and eight seconds. Because it's linear, this is very easy. You're dealing with a right triangle that is 8 seconds wide and 21 meters per second tall. With a triangle, the area is equal to half it's width times it's height, so the equation is: d = 21m/s * 8s / 2 ∴d = 168m / 2 ∴d = 84m. So he traveled 84 meters in those 8 seconds, and probably scared the bejeebers out of that poor deer. Average speed = 21/2 m/s , Time =8 s, Distance = 8 x 21/2 = 84m

Why do some lakes seems black on Google Earth like Lake Victoria?

The depth of each lake will determine its color. Deep lakes appear "black" due to the fact that very little to no light is penetrating enough water to illuminate the floor or objects beneath it. You'll notice that the edges of the lake appear much lighter, due to this same reasoning.Additionally, some bodies of water will have odd coloration due to certain minerals in the soil in that area (reddish looking water from clay deposits, etc.) or from the concentration of plant life, such as certain seaweeds.