A little under 2 feet.
25% of people have an IQ under 100.
An angle under 90 degrees is called acute. There is no specific name for angles smaller than 45 deg.
a digit
A group of people or territory ruled by one ruler is called an empire
Land with different territories and people under a single rule is a monarchy. In a monarchy there is a king or queen in power. There might or might not be many territories.
empire or a union
False. A land with different territories and people under a single rule is called an empire, not a city-state. City-states are independent sovereign cities and their surrounding territories.
A country.
Land with different territories and people under a single rule is a monarchy. In a monarchy there is a king or queen in power. There might or might not be many territories.
A group of lands under one rule is called an empire. This term is often used to describe territories governed by a singular authority or ruler.
Empirical means something you can verify by seeing it or experiencing it.
It is important to learn and remember terminology. It is an Empire that is a group of states under one ruler.
Yes, "territories" is a noun. It refers to an area of land under the jurisdiction of a government or ruler.
usually a dictator