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Q: What is mathematical name for corners?
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Related questions

How many corners in a cuboid and show how?

The mathematical name for corner is 'vertex' A cuboid has 8 vertices or corners. An example of a cuboid is a cereal box or a dice.

What are vertices 1st grade math?

EdgesGeometric vertices are the corners of mathematical objects such as cubes.In trigonometry, vertices are the corners of an angle.

What does the mathematical term diagonal mean?

the mathematical term meaning the line between 2 corners of a 2D or 3D shape. example: a hexagon has nine diagonals

Is vertices the mathematical word for corner?

No. A corner is a vertex. The plural, for corners, is vertices - not verticies as you chose to spell it.

In any mathematical sense are two dimensional shapes without sides or corners such as circles and ovals considered or classified as similar and if yes is there an official classification name?

These are curves. (a straight line is also a curve but a special case).

What is another mathematical name for chart?

Another mathematical name for chart is table, diagram or graph.

What do you call a shape with six sides and six corners?

A better name for "corners" would be angles, but the shape's name would be a hexagon

How do you name the vertices to a square?

the vertices are the corners to the shape, so you count the corners to whatever shape.

What figure has 4 sides and 3 corners?

Ah, what a delightful question! A figure with 4 sides and 3 corners is a triangle. Triangles are such lovely shapes, full of balance and harmony. Keep exploring the world of shapes and let your creativity flow like a gentle stream, my friend.

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What is the name of a rectangle with rounded corners?

an heptangle

What is the name of a square with rounded corners?
