The Bel is far too large for most use, so deciBels have wider application. The upper case has now been dropped except in the abbreviated form. Normally the decibel or dB should always be followed with the reference that the ZERO represents for the simple reason that the reference is variable. It should have been written 0dB wrt 1mW in 600 ohms for the situation it possibly describes. (wrt means, with reference to.)
The normal form is 0dBm or 0dBA or even 0dBV etc, notice how the uppercase returns. The decibel scale is a log scale allowing very wide dynamic changes to be represented, both graphically and intellectually. In the short form, such as 0dBm, the "m" has become an identification for " --wrt-- 1mw in 600 ohms." Similarly with dBV where the reference is one volt. There is a 3dB difference between POWER and VOLTAGE figures so where 6dB represents a change of two in voltage, in power the same doubling, (or halving) is 3dB.
0 dBA represents the threshold of human hearing, often described as a cricket shuffling it's feet in the grass at your feet. This would mean that normal speaking level is about +65 dBA and a jet engine say, +125 dBA. Double or half the power would be a change of 3dB.
The decibel scale is a logarithmic scale. Scroll down to related links and look at "Decibel - Wikipedia" and "Sound level meter - Wikipedia".
There is no point in doing either one of these. A decibel, being the log of a ratio, is added to or subtracted from another decibel.
a decibel meter.
Decibel is no real unit, it is a pseudo unit. The decibel (dB) is a logarithmic unit that indicates the ratio of a physical quantity. A change in voltage ratio by a factor of two is approximately a 6 dB change. A change in power ratio by a factor of two is approximately a 3dB change.
60 i think
The Decibel was named after Alexander Graham Bell who is the inventor of the telephone and the bell is a sound known as the Decibel. The Decibel ranges from 0 to 140, with 140 being the highest.
dB mean Decibel.
dB is the abbreviation of Decibel
The Welsh word for 'decibel' is desibel.
What are the uses of DECIBEL?
How do you use the word decibel in a sentence?What is decibel used for?
The abbreviation for decibel is dB.
The decibel is a unit used to measure the intensity, or power, of a sound. It is a logarithmic unit that compares the power of a sound to a reference level. The decibel scale is commonly used to quantify sound levels and express changes in sound intensity.
The bell is a large unit, so a subunit, a decibel, is usually used. There is no subunit of decibel.
A decibel is a measure for sound.
another name for decibel
Decibel is abbreviated as "dB."