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Q: What is mean by Directional distribution factor?
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What are the three patterns of of natural selection?

The three patterns of natural selection are directional selection, stabilizing selection, and disruptive selection. Directional selection favors individuals at one extreme of a trait distribution, stabilizing selection favors the intermediate phenotype, and disruptive selection favors individuals at both extremes of a trait distribution.

What does directionators mean?

The condition of being directional

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DL = lane distribution factor, expressed as a ratio, accounts for the distribution of loads when two or more lanes are available in one direction

What do directional selection in disruptive selection have in common?

Aside from decreasing genetic variation they both are not normal Gaussian curves. Disruptive selection has two normal curves at either end of the distribution. Directed selection has an abnormal curve with most of the data distributed is a skewed manner from the mean of distribution.

What do directional selection and disruptive selection in common?

Aside from decreasing genetic variation they both are not normal Gaussian curves. Disruptive selection has two normal curves at either end of the distribution. Directed selection has an abnormal curve with most of the data distributed is a skewed manner from the mean of distribution.

What does Disparity of Income Distribution mean?

it means distribution of income is how a nation's total economy is distributed amongst its population. Classical economists are more concerned about factor income distribution,that is the distribution of income between the factors of production,labor land and capital. Distribution of income is measured by Lorenz curve and Gini co

In a population of horses an extreme phenotype is favored and the distribution of genes in that population shifts toward that phenotype What is the process called?

The process is called directional selection, where one extreme phenotype is favored over others in a population, resulting in a shift in the frequency of genes towards that phenotype over generations.

What is the key factor in describing population distribution?

The key factor in describing population distribution is the land resources available. This is what will determine the population density of a place.

An environmental factor that prevents an organism or population from reaching its full potential of distribution or activity?

The factor that prevents an organism or population from reaching its full potential of distribution or activity is called the limiting factor.

What is the directional and non-directional hypothesis testing?

In statistical hypothesis testing you have a null hypothesis against which you are testing an alternative. The hypothesis concerns one or more characteristics of the distribution. It is easier to illustrate the idea of directional and non-directional hypothesis. In studying the academic abilities of boys and girls the null hypothesis would be that boys and girls are equally able. One directional hypothesis would be that boys are more able. The non-directional alternative would be that there is a gender difference. You have no idea whether boys are more able or girls - only that they are not the same.

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What is Load Distribution Factor in Electricity Distribution?

distribution factor ['dis·trə′byü·shən 'fak·tər](nucleonics) A term used to express the modification of the effect of radiation in a biological system attributable to the nonuniform distribution of an internally deposited isotope, such as radium's being concentrated in bones.