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Q: What is meant by 'significance'?
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It is meant to be good luck.

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His resurrection meant that the death no longer had dominance over him. It meant that he had defeated the grave.

What is meant by importance?

The quality or condition of being important; significance.

What is the significance of greek?

The significance of Greek art is that it meant the abandonment of mere colored drawing and the creation of the genuine artof painting.

What is meant by significance of the study?

you know what guys, this website's suck. it doesn't answer our questions.

What was the significance of Lincoln winning re-election in 1864?

It meant that the North was voting to fight on.

Was the significance of the Allies?

It meant that Hitler no longer controlled Europe and Japan no longer controlled the Pacific.

What is the significance of the scene between Herrick and the accused witches in The Crucible?

The scene between Herrick and the accused witches in The Crucible is meant to be humorous. Its significance is to illustrate how bad the conditions are.

What is the significance of Jesus being born the way he was?

The fact that He was Of Virgin Birth, meant that He had no earthly Father, but God the Father.

What is the significance when the south fails to break the union naval blockade?

It meant that the South could not import the supplies it needed.

Why a 1918 threepence on a 18th birthday card?

There is no particular significance, possibly the 18 in 1918 may have meant something to the giver.

Brutus will start a spirit as soon as caesar?

This statement meant that in Brutus and Caesar were equals. The significance of this line is that it suggests that Brutus could rule Rome.