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Einstein gave us E=mc2, and this equation is what is called the mass-energy equivalence. What the equation says is that there is a direct relationship between matter (something with mass, m) and energy (e). If a specific amount of mass is converted into energy, there will be a specific amount of energy created. If a specific amount of energy is converted into mass, there will be a specific amount of mass created. But how much? Let's look.

If a specific amount of mass creates a specific amount of energy when converted and we double the amount of mass, we'll get double the amount of energy when it's converted. If a specific amount of energy is converted into mass and we double the amount of energy, we'll get double the amount of mass when we convert it. One more thing.

The conversion factor when changing mass to energy or energy to mass is the square of the speed of light (c2). If one kilogram of mass is converted into energy, the equation will look like this:

E = mc2 = 1 x (3 x 108)2 = 9 x 1016 Joules of energy.

That's a lot of energy. Over 4 million average homes could run for a year on that energy. There is a huge amount of energy in matter if we convert it all to energy. Use the link to learn more.

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e=mc2 (e equals mc squared)

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C = speed of light

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Albert Einstein.

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