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Rhesus null (Rhnull) phenotype is caused by the deletion of Rh-associated glycoproteins (RHAG) expression on red blood cells (RBCs). Individuals with Rhnull phenotype have RBCs that do not express any of the Rhesus antigens because they cannot be targeted to the RBC membrane. The absence of the Rh complex alters the RBC shape, increases its osmotic fragility, and shortens its lifespan, resulting in a hemolytic anemia that is usually mild in nature. These patients are at risk of adverse transfusion reactions because they may produce antibodies against several of the Rh antigens.

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Q: What is meant by Rhesus Null?
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Type O or type A broadly speaking. it also depends on other proteins found on the surface of donated blood cells such as rhesus proteins. someone can be rhesus plus or rhesus minus meaning they either have the protein or don't. You can only receive blood of the same rhesus type of as your own for example: A rhesus positive can only receive A rhesus positive or O rhesus positive

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a mandatory field in a database is one created in a table as "Not null". This means, there is a "rule" on the field that when data is inserted into the table, this field cannot be empty. If it is, then the insert errors. Here's part of a table definition in my database. These field are are required to be populated when inserting into this table. ATTR_DESC_01 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_02 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_03 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_04 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_05 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_06 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_07 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_08 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_09 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, ATTR_DESC_10 CHAR(2) DEFAULT SYSTEM NOT NULL, PARTITION_NBR SMALLINT NO DEFAULT NOT NULL)

What are some monkeys that start with the letter r?

Rhesus monkey , ( Macaca mullata )

Can the baby of an O rhesus positive and a A rhesus negative parent be A rhesus positive?

no cause a positive and negative make a negative unless the positive has a really strong blood line

Where to buy a rhesus monkey?

The rhesus monkey or rhesus macaque, is native to Central, South and Southeast Asia. It can be found in its natural habitat in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, and parts of China, as well as other countries in this region of the world.

B Rhesus Positive Anti-P1 negative?

B rhesus positive anti-P1 negative