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Q: What is meant by accident ratio studies?
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no he was the lords son and was always meant to be

Why don't public officials use the term accident when describing unfortunate events?

Because, an accident happens when something bad happens, and no one meant for it to happen. So unless they know that no one meant for it to happen then it is an accident.

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P/E Ratio

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Debt Service Coverage Ratio

Did the Japanese meant to kill so much people?

no... it was an accident

What is accident year loss ratio?

"Accident year loss ratio" is a term insurance companies use as an abbreviation for "the total amount of money lost to claims divided by the amount of premiums earned in a given calendar year."

Did Frida Kahlo want to be a nurse?

Yes, she had begun studies when the accident occurred.

What is meant by ratio?

Well .. A ration is soemthing we use in Maths.

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No. I think the spider meant to bite him