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The flags are testable conditions that are set after many arithmetic or logical instructions to indicate something about the result of the result. For instance, the Z flag means the result is zero, the N flag means it is negative, the O flag means a signed overflow occurred, the C flag means an unsigned overflow occurred, and the P flag means an even number of bits is set in the result. You can use the various flag testable jump instructions, such as JZ or JNZ to test the flag after performing an operation that sets or resets the flag.

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Q: What is meant by flag is set or not set in 8085 processor?
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Main difference between 8085 and 8086?

The most significant difference between the Intel 8085 and 8086 microprocessors is that the 8085 is an 8-bit system and the 8086 is a 16-bit system. This difference allows the 8086 system to have a much larger set of operational instructions and can make calculations to more significant places. Note: the 8085 processor does have two 16-bit registers. The pointer and the program counter.

If the 8085 add 89h and 79h specify the contents of the accumulator?

In the 8085, if the accumulator starts as 00H, then adding 89H and 79H to it results in a value of 02H with CARRY set.

How do you determine if your processor is RISC or CISC?

RISC (reduced instruction set computer) and CISC (complex instruction set computer) are two major types of processor architecture. These styles differ in the way that they handle incoming instructions, making it difficult to compare the clock speeds of the two types, as a 2.0ghz RISC processor will be faster or slower than a 2.0ghz CISC processor depending on the structure of individual applications. Knowing which type of processor you have is accomplished by knowing which company made your processor.Related Searches:Gaming ProcessorCredit Card ProcessorDifficulty:EasyInstructions1 Open the "Start" menu.2 Press "Run."3 Type in "msinfo32" and press "Enter."4 Click "System Summary" and read the "Processor" tab. If your processor is made by Intel you have a RISC processor. If it was made by AMD you have a CISC processor.

What is meant by a continuous random variable?

it is a set of real numbers its consider fraction

What is an average IQ number?

100 is meant to be the average. Many IQ tests set out to standardise the tests in such a way as to make 100 the average.

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Show the bit positions of various flags in 8085 flag register?

The 8085 microprocessor has 5 flags: 1. Zero flag: The zero flag is set, when the ALU operation results a zero . 2. Carry flag: If an arithmetic operations results in a carry, this flag is set. 3. Parity flag: This flag is set, when an arithmetic or logical operation results in a data, which has even number of 1s. If otherwise, it is reset. 4. Sign flag: After the execution of an arithmetic or logic operations, if D7 bit of the accumulator is 1, it indicates a negative number and this flag is set. If otherwise, it is reset. 5. Auxiliary Carry flag: used for BCD Operations, During the BCD operations, if D3 bit producing the carry then the AC bit set as1, otherwise the bit is 0. 6. Carry Flag: when a carry is generated by digit D7, then the carry flag set as 1, otherwise the bit will be 0.

What is jump on carry in 8085?

Jump on Carry is simply a "JUMP" instruction which will transfer the control to some specific location if carry flag is set. For Example: JC 2004H This instruction will take the control to address location 2004H if carry flag is set.

Main difference between 8085 and 8086?

The most significant difference between the Intel 8085 and 8086 microprocessors is that the 8085 is an 8-bit system and the 8086 is a 16-bit system. This difference allows the 8086 system to have a much larger set of operational instructions and can make calculations to more significant places. Note: the 8085 processor does have two 16-bit registers. The pointer and the program counter.

Types of instruction format of 8085?

The 8085 instruction set is classified into three groups according to its Word size. They are 1. One word /1 byte instructions 2. Two word / 2 byte instructions 3. Three word / 3 byte instructions

Explain 8086 flag register?

FLAGS REGISTER="h2headingh3"style="color:rgb(0,0,0);"name="flags_register">Flags Register - determines the current state of the processor. They are modified automatically by CPU after mathematical operations and allow one to determine the type of the result as well as determine conditions to transfer control to other parts of the program. Generally you cannot access these registers directly.Carry Flag (CF) - this flag is set to 1 when there is an unsigned overflow. For example when you add bytes 255 + 1 (result is not in range 0...255). When there is no overflow this flag is set to 0.Parity Flag (PF) - this flag is set to 1 when there is even number of one bits in result, and to 0 when there is odd number of one bits.Auxiliary Flag (AF) - set to 1 when there is an unsigned overflow for low nibble (4 bits).Zero Flag (ZF) - set to 1 when result is zero. For non-zero result this flag is set to 0.Sign Flag (SF) - set to 1 when result is negative. When result is positive it is set to 0. (This flag takes the value of the most significant bit.)Trap Flag (TF) - Used for on-chip debugging.Interrupt enable Flag (IF) - when this flag is set to 1 CPU reacts to interrupts from external devices.Direction Flag (DF) - this flag is used by some instructions to process data chains, when this flag is set to 0 - the processing is done forward, when this flag is set to 1 the processing is done backward.Overflow Flag (OF) - set to 1 when there is a signed overflow. For example, when you add bytes 100 + 50 (result is not in range -128...127).

Explain different types of flags in 8085 microprocessor?

Flags are microprocessor dependent. ie flags are different for different microprocessors. Flag represents the status ( & Type) of the operation performed. Ex: In terms of 8085 we have 5 flags : Zero, Carry, Ac Carry, Parity, Sign Flag register is of 8 bits in this case. These flags can also be used for logic implementation.

What did set your flag on fire mean?

"Set your flag on fire" is a metaphorical phrase that means to challenge or provoke someone, often by questioning their beliefs or values. It is meant to ignite strong emotions or reactions in the person it is directed at.

If the 8085 add 89h and 79h specify the contents of the accumulator?

In the 8085, if the accumulator starts as 00H, then adding 89H and 79H to it results in a value of 02H with CARRY set.

What is sim in 8085?

The SIM instruction in the 8085 is Set Interrupt Mask. You can use it to set and clear the three interrupt masks for RST7.5, RST6.5, and RST5.5, as well as to set or clear the SOD (Serial Output Data) pin. You can also reset the pending RST7.5 interrupt, if desired.

What is a CISC processor?

"CISC" stands for Complex Instruction Set Computer, CISC processor can execute complex instructions in one or more clock cycles. It is meant to differentiate it from a RISC or Reduced Instruction Set Computer, which can only perform one simple instruction in (usually) one clock cycle. A CISC is meant to have many machine level commands carried out as part of a single assembly command. The assembly command is broken into a series of "micro-code" commands which are executed internal to the processor by a "micro-code sequencer".

How do you add new machine language instruction to a processor intsruction set?

To add a new machine language instruction to an processor instruction set, you need to replace the microcode of the processor.

How do you write flag status in program?

for example:int flag= 0; /* 0/1 = unset/set */...printf ("flag=%d which means %s\n", flag, flag? "set": "unset");