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Q: What is meant by multiple representations of a linear function?
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colinear and non-colinear are terms that are used when describing points in space, not the graph of a function. Maybe what you meant is "Is the function linear?" The answer to that question is no.

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Interpolation in general is a way to determine intermediate values from a set of coordinates. Linear interpolation would be to fit a single linear function to the entire set of coordinates. Piecewise linear interpolation would then be to determine intermediate values from the set of coordinates by fitting linear functions between each set of coordinates. Connect-the-dots so to speak.

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They are neither. They are representations of supernatural "monsters" meant to protect buildings from demons.

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it is an ordered pair meant to be graphed on a linear plane.

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Definition. The analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) is a technique that merges the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the linear regression. ... The ANCOVA technique allows analysts to model the response of a variable as a linear function of predictor(s), with the coefficients of the line varying among different groups.

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Because they are not meant to be a series. They are meant to be multiple games in multiple fantasy worlds.

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In biology, folding refers to the process by which a protein's linear amino acid sequence adopts a specific three-dimensional shape to carry out its function. This folding process is critical for the protein to be functional.

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Public representation is something that the public can observe ( that the public can go look at) something like a museum.

What is meant by multiple of in Mathematics?

Multiple of 2 is 2,4,6,8,10,12... and multiple of 3 is 3,6,9,12,15..... like that for all numbers

What is meant with aggregate function in the area of computer science?

Similar to a set, 'aggregate function' is a sequence of instructions where values of multiple rows are grouped together. This is done implementing on a specific criteria resulting in a single value of more significant meaning and/or measurement.

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