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It means just that. If you have a 1 Liter alcoholic beverage that states it is 5% alcohol by volume, then 50 milliliters of it is pure alcohol.

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Q: What is meant by percentage by volume of an alcoholic drink?
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To calculate volume in percentage, divide the current volume by the total volume and then multiply by 100. This will give you the percentage of the volume. Formula: (Current Volume / Total Volume) * 100 = Volume Percentage.

If you drink 1.75 ounces of liquor per week are you alcoholic?

The amount you drink doesn't directly determine if you are an alcoholic. If it's 1.75 OUNCES a week, it is unlikely you are physically addicted to alcohol. If you aren't physically addicted, you aren't an alcoholic. If you meant 1.75 liters, that is a very different story. Not being addicted doesn't mean you aren't an alcohol abuser. Do you have recurring negative aspects in your life because you drink, yet you continue to drink? Don't count the anger or condemnation of teetotaling friends of family members. If yes, and you continue to drink, you are an alcohol abuser and need to consider whether what you are doing is worth the problems caused.

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0%. As a human, your body is meant to drink water, which has 0 calories. If you're a sodaholic, then I imagine you're consuming many, many more calories than you need to function from the sugared drink alone.

What is the opposite of Aperitif?

Since an appetizer comes at the beginning of a meal, whatever comes last would be the opposite: it could be an after dinner drink or dessert. Or another way to look at it would be that the opposite would be something to settle your stomach after you are all done eating. A digestif is an alcoholic drink served at the end that is meant to do just that.

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"Going on the wagon" means to stop drinking alcoholic beverages.

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Brim Measures for the Determination of the Volume of Flowable Solids

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How do you calculate volume of 20m2?

You cannot calculate volume of surface area. If you meant 20m3, then the volume would be 20,000 litres.

What do labradors drink?

water and only water, dogs arnt meant to drink any other fluids