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Usually the word repose is used in reference to relaxation. However, it can also mean reposing in confidence, or putting trust in another person or thing.

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Q: What is meant by reposing confidence?
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How can you use reposing in a sentence?

The word that is in this sentence is reposing.

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What is meant by the term confidentiality?

To have another's trust or confidence. So pretty much having confidence in other people, and trusting others.

What does someone mean when they say your confidence has come trifold?

They meant to tell you that your confidence level is three times what it was when they met you. It's a very nice compliment!

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some times it meant that you did it for your family or you did it for confidence.

What is meant by a 95 percent confidence interval?

Confidence IntervalsConfidence interval (CI) is a parameter with a degree of confidence. Thus, 95 % CI means parameter with 95 % of confidence level. The most commonly used is 95 % confidence interval.Confidence intervals for means and proportions are calculated as follows:point estimate ± margin of error.

What did being a member of a gang mean in the 1960's?

some times it meant that you did it for your family or you did it for confidence.

What is meant by the term confidence intervals?

Confidence intervals represent a specific probability that the "true" mean of a data set falls within a given range. The given range is based off of the experimental mean.

What does it meanm if a person says they have swag?

Today, it means style, confidence, coolness.But sometime in the 1980s or so, it meant 'Secretly We Are Gay', I've heard.

Which spelling is correct self confidence or self-confidence?

The correct spelling is "self-confidence," with a hyphen.

What is sentence for confidence?

General, what has happened to your self-confidence?Don't forget to greet the interviewer with confidence.

What part is speech is confidence?

Confidence is a noun. "She has confidence." The adjective form of confidence is confident. "He is confident." The adverb form of confidence is confidently. "She walked confidently into the room."