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Q: What is meant by sampling technique in research?
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What are the reasons for choosing random sampling method for ones research work and what is random sampling method anyway?

because it is the simplest sampling technique which requires less time and cost.

What is common sampling technique in communication system?

Random Sampling is the most common sampling technique

Which sampling technique is appropriate for voting behaviour of people?

stratified sampling technique

Kinds of non random sampling technique?

Quota sampling.

What is meant by sampling in computer graphics?

Sampling is the key technique used to digitize analog information. For example, music CDs are produced by sampling live sound at frequent intervals and then digitizing each sample. The term sampling is also used to describe a similar process in digital photography.

How do you get sample using universal sampling technique?

try researching about total enumeration technique... it's the other name for universal sampling technique ^_^ Good luck..

Is questionnaire probability sampling technique?

A questionnaire has little to do with sampling technique. Sampling technique is to do with who gets the questionnaire and that can be any sampling technique: the questionnaire can be sent to everyone (census), to a random sample, stratified random samples, to random samples in clusters, by quota or convenience. Or a pile of questionnaires can be left for respondents to pick up - self-selection.

What sampling technique will be the best for the large population size?

Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.Clustered sampling.

The definition of cluster sampling is?

This technique is used when natural but relatively homogenous groupings are evident in a statistical population. This technique is commonly used in marketing research. The technique splits the population into groups and only a simple random group is selected.

Which sampling technique can assure that the profile of the sample matches the profile of the population?

Stratified sampling

What are the disadvantages of systematic sampling?

Disadvantages of systematic sampling: © The process of selection can interact with a hidden periodic trait within the population. If the sampling technique coincides with the periodicity of the trait, the sampling technique will no longer be random and representativeness of the sample is compromised.

Sampling in operations research and management?

semi stratified sampling