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The absolute value of the distance "crest to trough" perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the motion.

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Q: What is meant by the amplitude of a body performing simple harmonic motion?
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Related questions

What happens to the time period of simple harmonic motion when its amplitude is doubled?

When the amplitude of simple harmonic motion is doubled, the time period remains the same. The time period of simple harmonic motion only depends on the mass and spring constant of the system, not the amplitude.

What is meant by amplitude in simple harmonic motion?

Any simple harmonic motion is of the form x(t) = A cos(w t + a). Here the constant A with dimension [x] is called the amplitude.

What is that motion which is periodic but not harmonic?

The motion of a pendulum is periodic but not necessarily harmonic if the amplitude of the oscillation is large enough to cause deviations from simple harmonic motion due to gravitational forces.

When will the motion of simple pendulum be shm?

The motion of a simple pendulum will be simple harmonic when the angle of displacement from the vertical is small (less than 10 degrees) and the amplitude is also small.

Can every oscillatory motion be treated as simple harmonic motion in the limit of small amplitude?

No. Simple harmonic motion requires that the acceleration is proportional to the displacement (and in the opposite direction). It is possible to have periodic motion where that is not the case.

Why you should keep the amplitude of simple pendulum small?

Keeping the amplitude of a simple pendulum small helps maintain the simple harmonic motion, making the period of oscillation constant. For larger amplitudes, the motion becomes more complex and deviates from simple harmonic motion. Additionally, small amplitudes ensure that the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement, as assumed in the theory of simple harmonic motion.

What is the total distance traveled by a body executing simple harmonic motion in a time equal to its period if its amplitude is A?

A body in simple harmonic motion with amplitude A will move a total distance fo 2A in a time equal to one period.

Is motion of swing an example of simple harmonic motion?

A body undergoes simple harmonic motion if the acceleration of the particle is proportional to the displacement of the particle from the mean position and the acceleration is always directed towards that mean. Provided the amplitude is small, a swing is an example of simple harmonic motion.

What is maximum at mean position for particle performing simple harmonic motion?

Velocity is maximum at mean position for particle performing simple harmonic motion. Another feature that is maximum at this position is kinetic energy.

If the amplitude of a system moving in simple harmonic motion is doubled which quantity associated with it does not change?

If the amplitude of a system in simple harmonic motion is doubled, the frequency of the oscillation remains unchanged. Frequency is determined by the system's mass and the spring constant, and increasing the amplitude does not affect these factors.

The maximum distance an object in simple harmonic motion moves from equilibrium is called the?


What will happen When the amplitude of a body undergoing simple harmonic motion is doubled?

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