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Q: What is meant by the avagadro number?
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What is meant by avagodrao number?

Avagadro Number : (6.0221415 ± 0.0000010) × 1023N A specifies the exact number of atoms in a 12 g specimen of carbon-12

Can a mole represent a molecule?

A mole represents a set number of molecules, not just 1 molecule. There are avagadro's number of molecules in a mole. Avagadro's number: 6.022x10^23

What is the value of Avagadro's number?

6.022 x 1023

What is the mass of an atom of?

It is its molecular weight divided by avagadro's number.

The number of particles in a mole is a constant?

Yes - it is Avagadro's number/constant

How big is avagadro's number?

It is approx 6.022 * 1023 per mole.

What does Avagadro have to do with moles?

Avagadro was the scientist who determined the number of molecules that make up a basic unit in chemistry called the "mole". Moles are a certain number of basic units of a substance - 6.02 x 1023

A mole is a what of atoms?

A mole is an Avagadro number of atoms - 6.022 x 10-19

What is the significance of avogadro's number?

Avagadro's number allows you to calculate how many molecules are in a mole of a substance or vice versa

What is the avagadro number of noble gases?

There is just one Avogadro's Number, it isn't a different number for different substances. That number is approximately 6.02 x 1023.

How can you calculate no of moles from no of atoms?

To calculate the number of moles from the number of atoms, you can use Avogadro's number, which is approximately 6.022 x 10^23 atoms per mole. Divide the number of atoms by Avogadro's number to find the number of moles.

How can you get the number of particles of gas?

By knowing the no of moles in a gas. Because , in any gas one mole of gas occupies Avagadro number of molecules.