i meant the question A circle has a radius of 26 cm. what is the diameter of this circle? please answer.
Circle has a circumference and a diameter, what is meant by length, I wonder
It means drawing a circle around a polygon in such that each vertex of the polygon is on the circumference of the circle.
spatial relations
Assuming you meant phrase, the answer is m + 2.
The phrase "two inch circle" implies that the circle's area has already been calculated as "two square inches". However, if you truly meant that the circle had a diameter of two inches, it's area would be pi. Alternatively, if you meant a radius of two inches, the area would be 4pi.
A complete circle.
The phrase trans ocean is meant to mean across the ocean. Trans ocean is meant to be the same as transocean, which is not a word but a shorter version of transoceanic, to which it is meant to have a similar meaning.
The phrase a wallpaper on your desktop can mean that your desktop is covered in papers. This can be meant on your computer or your actual desk.
The phrase 'come full circle' refers to getting back to the original position or the original state of affairs. The origin of the phrase is unknown, but is used in the Western world.
It is the distance around a circle
i meant the question A circle has a radius of 26 cm. what is the diameter of this circle? please answer.
The phrase means that the question is difficult to answer. Like this one.
Friends forever
You smell heavenly or you smell very good :) Is this what you meant?
Pagans, generally speaking do not have formal sacred spaces (churches, etc). We create our sacred space each and every time we "work". This is what we call the "Circle", at the end of each "working" we open the Circle, allowing the energies drawn and used within the Circle to return to the universe. Therefore the Circle is "open", the energies of the universe are always available and we carry the sacred space with-in us, so the Circle is unbroken.