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The term "Logistic regression" is referring to the graph of analysis in predictions. There are variables involved and explain probabilities that are a hypothesis of the dependent variable, which is the one being applied to a future prediction.

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Q: What is meant by the term logistic regression?
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What is the difference between multiple regression and logistic regression?

In cases wherethe dependent variable can take any numerical value for a given set of independent variables multiple regression is used.But in cases when the dependent variable is qualitative(dichotomous,polytomous)then logistic regression is used.In Multiple regression the dependent variable is assumed to follow normal distribution but in case of logistic regression the dependent variablefollows bernoulli distribution(if dichotomous) which means it will be only0 or 1.

What is the difference between the logistic regression and regular regression?

in general regression model the dependent variable is continuous and independent variable is discrete type. in genral regression model the variables are linearly related. in logistic regression model the response varaible must be categorical type. the relation ship between the response and explonatory variables is non-linear.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of logistic regression compared with linear regression analysis?

It all depends on what data set you're working with. There a quite a number of different regression analysis models that range the gambit of all functions you can think of. Obviously some are more useful than others. Logistic regression is extremely useful for population modelling because population growth follows a logistic curve. The final goal for any regression analysis is to have a mathematical function that most closely fits your data, so advantages and disadvantages depend entirely upon that.

What is the minimum required sample size for running logistic regression?

In fitting a logistic regression, as in applying any statistic method, the required sample size depends on the level of dispersion in the population and the quality of the statistics that you are prepared to accept. Usually there will be some information available somewhere (in the literature, say, or from colleagues) suggesting what level of variability to expect in data that is collected. This can be used to simulate some data sets and the logistic regression results that would arise from them. By varying the sizes of the data sets you can make a judgement. Once you have collected your first sample and fit the actual logistic regression to it you will have a much better idea how much data is actually required for useful estimates.

How would you evaluate a logistic regression model?

A subsection of the question above. You have to demonstrate an understanding of what the typical goals of a logistic regression are (classification, prediction, etc.) and bring up a few examples and use cases.

Related questions

What is the difference between multiple regression and logistic regression?

In cases wherethe dependent variable can take any numerical value for a given set of independent variables multiple regression is used.But in cases when the dependent variable is qualitative(dichotomous,polytomous)then logistic regression is used.In Multiple regression the dependent variable is assumed to follow normal distribution but in case of logistic regression the dependent variablefollows bernoulli distribution(if dichotomous) which means it will be only0 or 1.

How does Logistic regression Work?

The logistic regression "Supervised machine learning" algorithm can be used to forecast the likelihood of a specific class or occurrence. It is used when the result is binary or dichotomous, and the data can be separated linearly. Logistic regression is usually used to solve problems involving classification models. For more information, Pls visit the 1stepgrow website.

What is the difference between the logistic regression and regular regression?

in general regression model the dependent variable is continuous and independent variable is discrete type. in genral regression model the variables are linearly related. in logistic regression model the response varaible must be categorical type. the relation ship between the response and explonatory variables is non-linear.

What Is a Logistic Regression Algorithm?

Using real-world data from a data set, a statistical analysis method known as logistic regression predicts a binary outcome, such as yes or no. A logistic regression model forecasts a dependent data variable by examining the correlation between one or more existing independent variables. Please visit for more information 1stepgrow.

What is binary logistic regression?

Binary logistic regression is a statistical method used to model the relationship between a categorical dependent variable with two levels and one or more independent variables. It estimates the probability that an observation belongs to one of the two categories based on the values of the independent variables. The output is in the form of odds ratios, which describe the influence of the independent variables on the probability of the outcome.

What has the author Scott W Menard written?

Scott W. Menard has written: 'Short and long-term consequences of adolescent victimization' -- subject(s): Crimes against, Prediction of Criminal behavior, Statistics, Teenagers, Victims of crimes, Victims of crimes surveys 'Applied logistic regression analysis' -- subject(s): Logistic distribution, Regression analysis

What is meant by the term regression?

The term regression means to take back. To regress you take away something not in a physical form. For example in old age pensioners can often suffer from memory regression where they are mentally taken back to times past.

What are the advantages and disadvantage of logistic regression compared with linear regression analysis?

It all depends on what data set you're working with. There a quite a number of different regression analysis models that range the gambit of all functions you can think of. Obviously some are more useful than others. Logistic regression is extremely useful for population modelling because population growth follows a logistic curve. The final goal for any regression analysis is to have a mathematical function that most closely fits your data, so advantages and disadvantages depend entirely upon that.

What is the minimum required sample size for running logistic regression?

In fitting a logistic regression, as in applying any statistic method, the required sample size depends on the level of dispersion in the population and the quality of the statistics that you are prepared to accept. Usually there will be some information available somewhere (in the literature, say, or from colleagues) suggesting what level of variability to expect in data that is collected. This can be used to simulate some data sets and the logistic regression results that would arise from them. By varying the sizes of the data sets you can make a judgement. Once you have collected your first sample and fit the actual logistic regression to it you will have a much better idea how much data is actually required for useful estimates.

What has the author Roza Sjamsoe'oed written?

Roza Sjamsoe'oed has written: 'The use of logistic regression for developing habitat association models' -- subject(s): Regression analysis, Mathematical models, Habitat (Ecology)

How would you evaluate a logistic regression model?

A subsection of the question above. You have to demonstrate an understanding of what the typical goals of a logistic regression are (classification, prediction, etc.) and bring up a few examples and use cases.

What has the author R Lee Kennedy written?

R. Lee Kennedy has written: 'A comparison of logistic regression and artificial neural network models for the early diagnosis of acute myocardialinfarction (AMI)'