Oblong is a synonym for rectangular. It is a quadrangle with opposits sides, which running parallel to each other. It also means a deviation from a circle or a square by being strung-out in one direction.
A Rugby ball
A rectangle that is not square is an "oblong". Or you could say a "box".
An oblong is a rectangle. However, an oblong is not a square. Both are rectangles because they both have 4 right angles, but a square is equal-sided and an oblong isn't.
A quadrilateral is 4 sided shape. There are 6 main quadrilaterals: *Trapezium *Parallelogram *Rhombus *Kite *Square (type of rectangle) *Oblong (type of rectangle) Therefore, an oblong is one of the quadrilaterals. More specifically, an oblong is the traditional 'rectangle' in which the two sets of parallel lines are unequal. The term 'rectangle' refers to a quadrilateral with 4 right angles, hence a square is one too, but one with equal sides.
An oblong is a rectangle BUT a rectangle isn't necessarily an oblong. There are 2 types of rectangle: 1) Square (equal sided) 2) Oblong (unequal sided) Most refer to an oblong as a rectangle and use the word 'square' to be more specific as it has different properties.
Tagalog Translation of OBLONG: bilohaba
The Nth term formula for oblong numbers is N = N(N+1)
An oblong is another term for a rectangle therefore it has four right angles.
The term 'Oblong' capitalized, usually represents a location like a city or town - hence the Oblong Baptist Church of Illinois, etc.
A Rugby ball
A rectangle that is not square is an "oblong". Or you could say a "box".
An oblong is a term for a retangle with the proportions ration of 2:1|==| Therefore an oblong animal is obling/rectangular shaped animal.
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Yes the word oblong can be a noun. It is something with an oblong shape.
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