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Q: What is meant by water divide give an example what is its significance?
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What is the significance of carbonate in meteorites from Mars?

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What is the importance of the eastern continental divide?

It helps divide the water going east from the water going west???

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What famous body of water is in Ireland?

There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.There are many bodies of water in Ireland of significance. The longest river is the Shannon and the largest lake is Lough Neagh.

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What is the significance of comparing Okonkwo to a fish out of water?

Okonkwo is an animal and fish are animals, therefor, they are both animals and that is significant.

Why does water flow both directions at the continental divide?

Water can flow both directions at the continental divide because the divide acts as a boundary that separates drainage basins. The direction in which water flows depends on the topography and elevation of the land on either side of the divide. Gravity dictates the flow of water, leading to it going in different directions on each side of the divide.

What Was The Significance Of The Water Cycle?

The water cycle is significant because it regulates Earth's supply of freshwater by constantly moving water between the atmosphere, oceans, and land. It plays a crucial role in sustaining life, supporting ecosystems, and influencing weather patterns. Understanding the water cycle is essential for managing water resources and predicting the impacts of climate change.

Is shallow an adjective?

Yes, "shallow" is an adjective. It is used to describe something that has little depth, significance, or understanding. For example, a shallow lake, a shallow person, or a shallow conversation.

Is the tube of a fish filter meant to be in the water or out of the water?

in the water