mensuration is taking the measurement of something's area,volume, etc.
"mensuration" means the act of measuring.
mensuration is used in our lives every second..........
Since mensuration has to do with measuring, to do Advanced Mensuration math questions you would have to apply that knowledge in order to solve the problem.
it is nothing jakar so gao yaar
Maths is used in making monuments because for making it we need to apply mensuration.
In math, mensuration refers to the measurement of geometric quantities such as length, area, volume, and angles. It involves applying formulas to calculate the size and dimensions of geometric shapes and figures. The study of mensuration is important in solving problems related to geometry and real-world applications of measurements.
mensuration means measuring of something. Do you get me now, jimmy ?
"mensuration" means the act of measuring.
mensuration is used in our lives every second..........
mensuration means formulas for computing areas and volumes