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Q: What is minimum width of a 3 story building?
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What is the minimum width of house hallway?

Building codes for a single family dwelling typically require hallways to be a minimum of 3 ft (36 inches) in width. A hallway that is 5 ft (60 inches) in width comfortably allows for the passage of two people. As a side note, the width of a typical wheelchair is 22 inches.

The height of a 3-story building?

3 stories...

What is the height of a 3 story building in meters?


How many feet tall is a three story building?

Depending on where the 3 story building is, normally they are about 38 feet, assuming each story is the same size.

Is the the law for personal side to be 3 feet wide?

The minimum width for a personal space may vary depending on local regulations or building codes. It is advisable to check with the relevant authority or consult a legal professional for specific requirements in your area.

How many feet in a 3 story building?

Depends on occupancy.

What would be the minimum width of a 3 car garage with 2 doors a single and a double?

Outside measurement of the building using one 16' and one 8' door, 1/2" plywood siding and no overhang would be 25' and 8". You need a minimum of 3" on each side of the door for the track and the thickness of the outside walls. If you are going it sheetrock the inside increase the measurement by twice the thickness of whatever you use. If 1/2" thick than the total width would be 25' 8".

What is the minimum number of building blocks needed to make a protein?

A protein is made up of a sequence of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. The minimum number of building blocks needed to make a protein is 20 different amino acids.

Example of a decameter?

A decameter is 10 meters long. Examples of a decameter include a three story building and a truck without a trailer.

What are the square foot construction costs for a 3-story condo building and a 10-story condo building in Chandler Arizona?

A local builder or construction firm can answer your question.

Square foot commercial construction costs?

What are the square foot construction costs for a 3-story condo building and a 10-story condo building in Chandler, Arizona ? - Terry

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