

What is mmx1?

Updated: 9/30/2023
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8y ago

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If you mean Roman numerals, then they are written as CAPITAL letters.

'mmx1' should be written as 'MMXI'

The key to Roman numerals is

M = 1000

D = 500

C = 100

L = 50

X = 10

V = 5

I = 1

Next The highest value letter goes to the left followed by lower value letters.

Two letter of the same symbol/value adjacent to each mean add.


MMXI = 1000 + 1000 + 10 + 1 = 2011

The current year of 2023 is MMXXIII

Next year 2024 is MMXXIV

Note the 'IV' compnent. 'I' is smaller value to the 'V' . this means subtract the value of 'I' from ' V' = 5 - 1 = 4

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