not sure , maybe cuzins ..
To make a modulo art use a sketch pad and a graphite pencil. Draw large and small loops over the paper. In each section, draw different doodles, consisting of leaves, circles, arcs, lines, or scallops. Make each section different, and fill in every section. When you are finished, it will have a tied-together look.
for math- they used symentry in their paintings
Tessellation is a art of mathematics that has to do with a cube that has 4 sides. Tessellation is practice of finding out all the mathematical properties of a cube.
ORIGIN late 16th cent.: plural of obsolete mathematic[mathematics,] from Old French mathematique, from Latin (ars) mathematica 'mathematical (art),' from Greek mathēmatikē (tekhnē), from the base of manthanein'learn.'From Oxford American Dictionaries
make a modulo art
make a modulo art
In mathematics, "modulo" refers to the operation of finding the remainder after division, while "modulus" refers to the absolute value of a number.
In mathematics, modulus refers to the absolute value of a number, while modulo refers to the remainder when dividing one number by another.
visual patterns based on the multiplication and addition tables modulo.
a thing that makes on math
reflect like in the mirror
When using the modulo operator in mathematics or programming, there is a restriction that the divisor (the number after the modulo operator) should be non-zero. A zero divisor would result in a division by zero error, which is undefined.
kaon kag boto!
It is kind of like a Zen tangle. You doodle then color it in.
He discovered a ultimately great art of Mathematics