The study of matter is important because, witout matter it is very hard to classify things. Matter is imporatant because it helps a lot in our everyday lives which makes our life to be more convenient and easier.
People study statistics because they need to quantify external events, summarize experiment or research results, make data comparisons, and establish correlations between dependent events. There are many more uses of statistics, and they are important in different fields of study and specialties. bye M.M.M (maleele)
Geometry is important to study because it helps us do things , like measuring clothes , solving problems in math and many more.
well, they're both affected. you will get both answers wrong if you make a mistake so it doesnt matter which one is more important, just pay attention
Answer D- A higher sample size gives more accurate results- APEX LEARNING
It can have bad consequences either way, depending on the subject of the study.
depends on the consecence of make the mistake sometimes one is worse then 2 and sometimes its the other way round
Why is feasibility study important for system design?Read more: Why_is_feasibility_study_important_for_system_design
to learn more important in geometry
It is important because we can learn more.
The current environmental degradation is the cause of fish's death =]
because history is more important in our life history it give more information about historical place & kings and kingdom
Practice practice and more practice. Know your theory well but application is much more important
It it very important to study ethics as a seafearer to gain gain respect,peace of mind and many more.
an experiment
An acceptable standard deviation depends entirely on the study and person asking for the study. The smaller the standard deviation, the more acceptable it will be because the less likely there are to be errors.