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Q: What is more than one child called?
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Do Edward and Bella have more than one child?

no they only have one child called renesmee

Can you have more than one child on harvest moon?

No you cannot get more than one child.

Does Lil Wayne have more than one child?

Yes He does Have More Than 1 Child

Did you have a child?

Children is the plural of child. You can have one CHILD. You can have more than one CHILDREN.

Father has more than one child and has to pay child support?

If you live in the US... Parents are required to financially support ALL their children. So if you have more than one child, you will pay child support for more than one child. Did that answer your question? I'm not entirely sure what you're asking.

Do Bella and edward have more than 1 kid?

In Breaking Dawn, Bella and Edward have one child, called Renesme.

Did James VI have more than one child?

He only had one child and that was Charles the 1st

What experience do you have of looking after more than one child?

no i do not

Does Aphrodite have a child?

She has more than one, but Eros is the important one.

What is a person called who can speak more than one language?

A person who can speak more than one language is called a polyglot.

Does the word children means more then one?

Yes, the word "children" is the plural form of "child," which refers to more than one child.

Who made the law to have no more than one child?
