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Q: What is most likely somthing that has mass of 0 or something that wieghs 0?
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What wieghs 900 pounds?

Nothing does. A pound is a measure of mass, not of weight.

What is mass structure?

A mass structes is somthing that is piled ramdomly with a simerler material

What is the Rate for Carpenters in Mass?

Boston is 33 somthing h

Another word for how heavy somthing is?

How about weight, mass, bulk.

What is the word for the definition The amount of matter that an object has?

Mass - the amount of somthing a container can hold

Why is 98.8 percent of the mass in the solar system is located in the sun?

The Sun contains 98.8 percent of the mass in the solar system because it is a massive ball of hot, glowing gases that make up most of the system's total mass. The Sun's gravity is strong enough to hold the planets, moons, asteroids, and other objects in orbit around it, which is why it contains the majority of the system's mass.

How can you use mass in one sentence?

simple if you are talking about the mass/size of somthing eg. the rocks mass affects the water levels

What is somthing that weighs 4.6 tons?

That might be approximately the mass of a small truck.

Are mass and volume the exact same thing?

mass is how much somthing weighs and volumes is how much liquid an object can hold

Is their matter in vacuums?

There is mass in everything!YOu need mass to make up somthing so mas sis almost everywhere.

Can somthing have momentum without having energy?

momentum = mass * velocity kinetic energy = 1/2 mass * velocity^2 If an object has non-zero momentum, it has non-zero velocity. It thus has kinetic energy, at least. It most likely has other forms of energy as well (potential, thermal, etc.)

Is it possible for something to occupy but not mass?

something to occupy but not mass is solid