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Q: What is motion that repeats itself over and over?
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What is a motion that repeats itself?

Repetitive motion

One complete motion or action that repeats over and over?

A cycle is a complete motion or action that repeats over and over.

What sentences is true of a wave that repeats itself?

A wave that repeats itself has a consistent pattern of oscillation, with recurring peaks and troughs. Its amplitude, frequency, and wavelength remain constant over time. The wave's motion is periodic, meaning it returns to its original state after a fixed interval.

Brain teaser what does history history history mean?

It means - history repeats itself

What is a periodic waveform?

One that repeats itself over time.

What is the definition of cyclic motion?

Cyclic motion refers to a repetitive pattern or sequence of movements that return to the same starting point. In physics, it often describes the periodic motion of an object or system that repeats itself over a specific interval of time. This type of motion can be found in activities such as swinging, rotating, or orbiting.

What is periodical non periodic motions?

a repetitivemotion,which repeats itself ,but not at fixed intervals of time's called as non periodic motion

Simple harmonic motion?

Simple harmonic motion is a type of periodic motion where an object oscillates back and forth around an equilibrium position under the influence of a restoring force proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium. Examples include a mass on a spring or a pendulum swinging back and forth. The motion is characterized by a sinusoidal graph showing displacement over time.

Any motion that repeats in a regular cycle is a what?

Periodic motion.

What is a pattern that repeats over and over?

A pattern that repeats over and pver is a pattern that repeats over and over daa!!

A sequence of events that repeats itself is know as a?

A sequence of events that repeats itself is known as a cycle.

Any motion that repeats in a regular cycle is known as what motion?

Periodic motion.