Informally, many people would call the opposites. But the correct math term is inverse operations.
Addition is the inverse operation of subtraction and multiplication if the inverse operation of division.
answer to a multiplacation equation
Inverse means opposite so division is the opposite of multiplacation
It is called the product
Learn your tables!
If you divide 11 by 3, then 3 is the divisor
adding, subtraction, multiplacation and divsion.
Maybe Multiplacation is the most struggling things in math but once you learn multiplacation you will know division and trust me you will have to use multiplacation or divsion in the furture but, if your in elementary you get use to it and get better and better!! Good Luck!!:)
A multiplacation sentence is excactly what it says it is! EXAMPLE: 9x9=? 1x9=? 3x8=? That is a multiplacation sentence.
With multiplication.....
the person who invented multiplacation is very smart and takes the easy way
draw two dots and a line beetween them.
answer to a multiplacation equation
the product
Inverse means opposite so division is the opposite of multiplacation
a product