

What is multiple branching?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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Q: What is multiple branching?
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Statement used for multiple branching in BASIC?

multiple branching is done by using ON...GOTO statement that transfers control to any number of choices

What is branching descent?

Branching descent is a concept in evolutionary biology where a single lineage gives rise to multiple distinct evolutionary lineages. This occurs when a species diverges into multiple species over time, resulting in a "branching" pattern of descent on the evolutionary tree. It is a fundamental process in the formation of biodiversity.

Why goto keyword not used in java?

Goto leads to morememory waste age and multiple branching occurs so memory is wasted

How does surface area decrease when branching increases in an atom?

When an atom branches or forms multiple bonds, the surface area decreases because the branching or bonding atoms are now occupying space that was previously not filled. This reduces the available surface area for interactions with other atoms or molecules.

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When was Branching Out created?

Branching Out was created in 1958-09.

Do axons branch?

Yes, axons can branch out to form multiple connections with other neurons, increasing the extent of communication within the nervous system. This branching allows for the transmission of information to multiple target cells simultaneously.

What are the three main forms of tree based on their branching patterns?

The three main forms of tree based on their branching patterns are excurrent (single dominant trunk with lateral branches), decurrent (several dominant trunks with lateral branches), and palmate (multiple branches originating from a central point at the top).

How branching differes in roots versus sterms?

Branching in roots is endogenous and in stems it is exogenous

What is hyperlinked interactivity?

The key to asynchronous learning is "hyperlinked interactivity," a feature of HTML, which makes possible the creation of multiple-choice questions, expert systems, and other such branching-informational models.

Increase branching of a hydrcarbon has what effect on its octane rating?

Increasing branching in a hydrocarbon generally increases its octane rating. This is because branching reduces the likelihood of pre-ignition or knocking in the engine, which is a common issue with straight-chain hydrocarbons. Branching increases the efficiency of combustion, leading to a higher octane rating.

How are dichotomous keys and branching diagrams different?

dichotomus key is a tool that is used by the scientist can use to help identify a particular specimen while branching key is just branching into two.