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You are finding the square of a number (E.g: 5^2 = 5 * 5 = 25).

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The square of the number

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Q: What is multiplying a number by itself?
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What is multiplying the base number by itself once or many times?

Same as multiplying any number by itself once or many times.

What increase faster doubling a number or squaring?

Squaring. Doubling is only multiplying a number by 2, whereas, squaring is multiplying a number by itself :)

What does cube mean in mathematical terms?

A 6 sided shape with all sides the same length. Or, when it is written as an indices, multiplying a number by itself and then multiplying a number by itself again.

How do you make a number the square?

you make a square number by multiplying a number times itself.

What number can you multiply by itself and ge an answer of 0.36?

Multiplying 0.6 by itself will yield 0.36

What is the name of the value obtained by multiplying a number by itself?

the square

How do you square numbers?

You square numbers by multiplying the number by itself.

What is a cubic number?

A number produced by multiplying a number into itself, and that product again by the same number.

What r you doing when you square a number?

Squaring a number means multiplying it by itself. For example, squaring the number 5 means multiplying 5 x 5.

What is a number that can be created by multiplying more than itself times one?

A composite number.

When you multiply a number by itself you get 1.1881 what is the number?

The opposite of multiplying a number by itself - (which is called squaring the number) - is to find the square root of the number and the √1.1881 = 1.09

What is the square of 58?

Square of a number is the product you get by multiplying a number by itself. Try it. You can do it. Good luck!