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Q: What is natural decrease?
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What does a decrease in mass have on the frequency of the system?

A decrease in mass of a system will increase the natural frequency of the system. This is because the natural frequency of a system is inversely proportional to the square root of the mass. So, as mass decreases, the natural frequency will increase.

Does natural selection have a tendency to increase or decrease genetic variation within a population?

Natural selection tends to decrease genetic variation within a population by favoring certain traits that are advantageous for survival and reproduction.

What is a natural disaster that can have a significant impact on human population?

it will decrease population size

Is natural gas going to increase or decrease?

All the Earth resources are decreasing.

What effect does a decrease in the stiffness of the system have on the natural period?

A decrease in the stiffness of a system leads to a longer natural period. This is because lower stiffness allows for slower oscillations, resulting in a slower return to equilibrium after being disturbed.

Which country has the lowest birth rate?

Europe According to, "Ukraine: 0.8% natural decrease annually; 28% total population decrease by 2050"

What leads to a growth in population?

a decrease in preditors, an increase in natural resorces, or an increase in happiness. (:

How should you decrease the natural disasters caused by the airplane?

Just be careful and don't crash!!

What man-made or natural event can decrease the salinity of the estuary area?

Global warming,desalination... :)

How do you decrease the size of the breast naturally thou you have a slim body?

u cant..its natural and ur slim

Is there any exercise that will decrease the size of your breasts?

without making any assumptions, most exercise that works to decrease your bodyfat will decrease your breastsize somewhat as you shed bodyfat. If you are already lean and toned then it is probably genetic and somewhat beyond your control by natural means.

What causes the end of hair to turn white?

The end of hair turns white due to a decrease in melanin production, which is the pigment responsible for hair color. This decrease is a natural part of the aging process.