It is: 17
Rounded down to the nearest whole number, 30.089 is approximately equal to 30.
The nearest whole number to 72 is 72. Or perhaps you mean, 71 and 73.
72 is already "the nearest whole number", no need for any rounding. The answer is: 72.
It is: 1
It is: 8
It is: 17
Rounded down to the nearest whole number, 30.089 is approximately equal to 30.
It is 72 when rounded to the nearest whole number.
The nearest whole number to 72 is 72. Or perhaps you mean, 71 and 73.
72 is already "the nearest whole number", no need for any rounding. The answer is: 72.
71.7 becomes 72 as a whole number.
To the nearest NUMBER, the answer is 71.74 To the nearest WHOLE number, it is 72.