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Q: What is negative 3y negative 7 equals 2?
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What are the steps for -3y - 7 equals 2?

-3y-7=2 +7=7 _______ -10=3y 3/-10=3 r 0 y=-3

What is 7x plus 3y equals 21 a negative or positive slope?

y=mx+b 7x+3y=21 3y=21-7x *****_ y=7-2.3x *****_ m= -2.3 negative

If x equals 2 and y equals 7 then 5x plus 3y equals?

x=2 y=7 5x+3y= 5 7 x 2 x 3 ____ _____ 10 21 21 + 10 _______ 31

5-2y equals -3y - 2?

5 - 2y = -3y - 2Subtract 5 from each side:-2y = -3y - 7Add 3y to each side:y = -7

X plus 3y equals -7 -x plus 2y equals -8?

are you talking about a system of equations where x+3y=-7 -x+2y=-8 if so, then the answer is {2,-3}

What is 2x equals 3y if x is 7 and 6 is y?

2(7)=3(7) 14=21

If x equals 2 and y equals 9 then 7x plus 3y equals?

7x+3y where x=2 and y=9 can be written as (7*2)+(3*9) which can be simplified to (14)+(27), from there it's basic addition.

In equiangular triangle abc ab equals 4x-y bc equals 2x plus 3y and ac equals 7 what are the values of x and y?

Stating that it is an equilateral triangle, we are told that all sides are equal.This is another way of saying:4x - y = 7and2x + 3y = 7So this can be solved by eliminating one of those variables:2x + 3y = 7x = (7 - 3y) / 24((7 - 3y) / 2) - y = 714 - 7y = 7y = 1x = 2

5y plus 14 plus y equals 3y-7?

5y+14+y = 3y-7 5y+y-3y = -7-14 3y = -21 y = -7

How do you solve 4x plus 3y equals 6 3x plus 3y equals 7?

given is that 4x+3y=6(3x+3y)=7 i.e., 6(3x+3y)=7 &&& 4x+3y=7 ---------------(1) 3x+3y=7/6 x+y=7/18 _________(2) multiply eqn(2) by 4 4x+4y=28/18 -------------------------(3) (3)-(1) 4x+3y-4x-4y=7-(28/18) y= -98/18 substitute y in eqn(2) x-98/18=7/18 x=7/18+98/18 x=105/18. therefore x=105/18 : y= -98/18

What is the answer to 2x-3y equals 4 y equals 8?

Since 2x-3y=4y=8 we can say that 4y=8 therefor y=2 We can also say that 2x-3y=4y and as y=2 2x-6=8 so 2x=14 and x =7 so y=2 and x=7

What is 7 plus 8y-3y plus 2?

7 + 8y - 3y + 2 =7 + 2 + 8y - 3y = 9 + 8y - 3y = 9 + 5y