No. A contraction cannot be a compound word.
Don't leave any space after the apostrophe when forming a contraction.
There aren't any spaces after the apostrophe in a contraction (did you see what I did?)
The contraction for is not is isn't.
No, "haven't" is a contraction for "have not." It is not a preposition; it is a negative auxiliary verb.
The contraction is won't. It comes from the archaic negative form wonnot.
No. It is a contraction of a verb and a negative adverb. It means "has not."
"Are not" is the expanded form of the contraction "aren't." It is used to express the negative form of the verb "to be" in the present tense for plural subjects.
The negative form for "let us" is "let us not" or the contraction "let's not".
No, "didn't" is a contraction of "did not" and is used as the past tense of the verb "do." It is not a conjunction.
"Weren't" is neither a noun nor a pronoun. It is a contraction of "were not," which is a negative form of the verb "to be."
That is the negative portion of a movement. Lowering the weight during a bench press
Negative pressure produced by the contraction of certain muscles like the diaphragm muscle and the intercostal muscles.
No, it is not an adverb. It is a negative verb form written as a conditional contraction. It means "could not" where not by itself would be an adverb.
"Did not" or "didn't" is a contraction of the auxiliary verb "did" and the adverb "not," forming a negative past tense construction in English.
No, the word wasn't is a contraction, a shortened form of the verb and adverb combination 'was not'.Examples:He was not home when I called.He wasn't home when I called.