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Q: What is negative heat?
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Why is heat sometimes positive or negative?

Because heat can either be hot which is positive, or cold which is negative. Hot and cold are relative terms which means it is a comparison to another temperature.

When what flows into a system it's value is positive when heat flows out of the system it's value is negative?

heat. apex.

Why are the values for work done on isothermal and adiabatic compression negative?

Don't know but I believe the following is consistent with the history and development of thermodynamics. Thermodynamics first tackled analysis of a "heat engine" which, at the time, essentially meant a steam engine. By convention, an engine produced a work output which logically was positive (it would be poor marketing to sell a negative 1000 kw engine). The fuel used was positive - more acurately, the fuel produced by burning the fuel put positive heat into the engine. Again, by convention, heat in is positive and work out is positive. Note that heat coming out would be heat taken away ... subtracting heat or negative heat. So why does compressing a gas involve negative work? Gas expansion is the basic positive work producing process for heat engines and, since 1) compression is the opposite of expansion and 2) the total work needed to reversibly compress and expand a gas (back to the initial condition) is zero, then Work compression + Workexpansion = 0 so they better have opposite signs. The idea of work in and work out is closely tied to the idea of control volume. TSM

What is a negative - positive?

Negative * positive = negative Positive * positive = positive Negative * negative = positive

Does a negative plus a negative equal a postive?

No, a negative plus a negative is a negative

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negative heat

When heat flows into a system its value is When heat flows out of a system its value is negative?

When heat flows into a system, its value is positive because the system is gaining heat energy. When heat flows out of a system, its value is negative because the system is losing heat energy.

Can the amount of heat needed to change temperature be negative?

Mathematically, yes. Adding "negative heat" just means removing heat. Surely there's been a time in the past when you dropped a lump or two of negative heat into your drink. And sure enough ... once all that negative heat got into it, its temperature went down !

When heat flows into the system the sign of heat is negative?

No, when heat flows into a system, it is considered positive. Positive heat indicates heat is being added to the system, increasing its internal energy. Negative sign would indicate heat is being lost or leaving the system.

A sample of gas in a syringe releases heat go its surroundings while the plunger us pulled out what are the correct signs of heat and work in this change?

In this scenario, the gas is doing work on its surroundings, so the work is negative. Since heat is being released from the gas to its surroundings, the heat is also negative. The sign convention typically defines work done by the system as negative and heat released from the system as negative.

When flows into a system its value is positive. When heat flows out of a system its value is negative.?


When heat flows into a system its value is positive. When heat flows of a system its value is negative.?

when heat flows Out of a system

What reaction are characteristic of negative heat flow?


Can heat be negative?

Sure, if one object loses heat, another will gain it.However, it might then be called heat gain.

What are some of the possible negative effects of drought and extreme heat?

some of the possible negative effects of drought and extreme heat is that it will lead do poor production in terms of agriculture.

Why is heat sometimes positive or negative?

Because heat can either be hot which is positive, or cold which is negative. Hot and cold are relative terms which means it is a comparison to another temperature.

What does it mean when the heat energy is negative?

A negative value for heat energy typically indicates that heat is being released or removed from a system, resulting in a decrease in temperature. This could occur during processes like heat transfer, where heat flows out of a system, leading to a decrease in thermal energy.