Multiply the numerators, and use this as the numerator of the result. Also multiply the denominators, and use this as the denominator of the result.
5 5/6 x 9 3/7 is 55.
The simplest form for nine twenty sevenths is 3/10.
three is prime nine equals three times three
Nine and three sevenths can be converted into 66 sevenths. Three and four fifths can be converted into 19 fifths. Then I'll convert both fractions into 35ths, so we have 330 35ths minus 133 35ths, so, we get 197 35ths, which simplified to five and 22 35ths.
5 5/6 x 9 3/7 is 55.
Twelve twenty-firsts.
Nine sevenths, or one and two sevenths.
18/7, or 2 and 4/7
nine eighteenths is one half. Half of 6/7 must be 3/7
Nine sevenths is 1 and 2/7 or approximately 1.2857
Six and two sevenths or forty four sevenths.
six fourteenths nine twenty oneths twelve twenty eighths
The simplest form for nine twenty sevenths is 3/10.
well, to find out, 2 halves one orange. multiply two by nine. (9+9)=18.