It is 0.90
2.91 is two point nine one or two and ninety one hundreths
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 0.598 is equal to 299/500 or two hundred and ninety-nine five hundredths.
Seven and sixty-five hundreths.
0.90 can be said as zero point ninety or ninety hundreths so you know it is 90/100 and reduced 9/10
It is 0.90
18.40 = 92/5 which is ninety two over five
It is 0.05
2.91 is two point nine one or two and ninety one hundreths
It is five and ninety-five thousandths
Expressed as a proper fraction in its simplest form, 0.598 is equal to 299/500 or two hundred and ninety-nine five hundredths.
Seven and sixty-five hundreths.
It is 6/1000.
Ninety-one percent as a fraction is 91/100.