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Q: What is non-recurring income?
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What is nonrecurring cost penalities?

A non-recurring cost penalty is an amount of money or some "penalty" you pay only once. There will not be multiple penalties. e.g. multiple payments.

Is 0.95 an irrational number?

No. An irrational number is not expressible as a ratio of two integers. An irrational number has infinite and nonrecurring expansion. An example is pi, or the square root of 2.

What does revenue income mean?

Revenue is income that is basically income such as, income, income and more income. Do You Understand ?!

Where on the Income statement does a company report an unusual gain not expected to occur more often than once every two years?

extraordinary gains and lossesNo pun intended, but these types of gains and losses are extraordinarily important to understand. These are nonrecurring,onetime, unusual, nonoperating gains or losses that arerecorded by a business during the period. The amount of each of thesegains or losses, net of the income tax effect, is reported separately in theincome statement. Net income is reported before and after these gainsand losses. These gains and losses should not be recorded very often, butin fact many businesses record them every other year or so, causingmuch consternation to investors. In addition to evaluating the regularstream of sales and expenses that produce operating profit, investorsalso have to factor into their profit performance analysis the perturbationsof these irregular gains and losses reported by a business.

What is national income and per capita income?

National income- total income of the country Per capita income- average income of the country

What is Before tax income after tax income?

Before tax income is gross income less allowable deductions and rebates = assessable income. After tax income is assessable income less the applicable income tax

Income distribution in Philippines?

the income is income

What kind of income tax is based on your taxable income?

Income tax IS based on your income that is why it is called INCOME tax.

What is the difference between gross income net income and taxable income?

Gross income is the raw income earned while net income is after deductions of interest taxes while taxable income is that income on which tax is calculated.

What is the distinction between operating and non operation income?

Income which is generated by normal business basic operating activities is called net operating income while other income then operating income is called non operating income like interest income or dividend income etc.

Are income tax and taxable income the same thing?

No, income tax and taxable income are not the same thing. Taxable income is the amount of income that is subject to taxation, while income tax is the actual tax that is calculated and paid on that taxable income.

What is the income you earn from the shares dividend?

Income earned from shares is called dividend income and shown in income statement as "Other income".