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Q: What is normal dB for adult male voice 30 cm away?
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What is the frequency of a normal voice?

The frequency of a normal adult male voice ranges from 85-180 Hz, while for a normal adult female voice it ranges from 165-255 Hz. These frequencies can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and individual vocal characteristics.

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What is the definition of Tenor?

The highest natural adult male voice.

The highest male singing voice is called the t?

Countertenor is the highest male voice. They generally sing in the falsetto register and they range between G3 to E5 or F5. This classical male singing voice is equal to a female contralto or mezzo-soprano.

Does your voice get higher with age?

For a male, with the appropriate vocal tranining a voice is at its highest as a middle-aged adult.

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The average adult kidney typically measures around 10-12 centimeters in length, 5-7 centimeters in width, and 2-3 centimeters in thickness.

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what are the normal levels of Na ,K. Ch. ,Ca, Mag, in normal adult male and female

What is normal HCT range?

Normal HCT Values:Newborn = 42.0% - 60.0%Adult Male = 42.0% - 52.0%Adult Female = 37.0% - 47.0%

How does hematocrit compare with the normal value?

Normal values vary with age and sex. Adult male range is 42-52%, adult female 36-48%.

Normal respirations adult male?

Normal breathing rate of an adult is between 12 and 18 breaths per min. And a normal adult heart beat should sit between 60 and 80 beats per min.