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wrist radial deviation ROM

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Q: What is normal range of motion of radial deviation?
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What is normal range and significance of deviation from normal respirations?

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Reach beyond the normal range of motion?


What is the normal pH range of the body?

Body fluid Ph is between 7.35 and 7.45 any other deviation from this range is life threatening

Is Restoring normal range of motion is crucial in early elbow rehabilitation?


What exercises help increase flexibility and range of motion?

Range of motion exercises help maintain normal joint function by increasing and preserving joint mobility and flexibility.

What is considered measures of variabilty is it mean interquartile range or mean absolute deviation?

interquartile range or mean absolute deviation.

What is the rang and mean absolute deviation for the following numbers 72 84 92 63 74?

The range and mean absolute deviation are: Range = 29 Mean absolute deviation = 8.8

What are are measures of variability or dispersion within a set of data?

Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.Some measures:Range,Interquartile range,Interpercentile ranges,Mean absolute deviation,Variance,Standard deviation.

What makes the range less desirable than the standard deviation as a measure of dispersion?

Range can include outliers that are not normal values and can skew overall data. Most relevant values can be found within one or two standard deviations on a normal curve.

The mean plus or minus the standard deviation for a normal distribution provides a probability range of what percent?

in a normal distribution, the mean plus or minus one standard deviation covers 68.2% of the data. If you use two standard deviations, then you will cover approx. 95.5%, and three will earn you 99.7% coverage

What is the normal pH for blood plasma?

The normal pH range for blood plasma is between 7.35 to 7.45. This slightly alkaline pH range is vital for maintaining the proper functioning of enzymes and overall physiological processes in the body. Any significant deviation from this range can lead to serious health issues.

What is IQ of normal human being?

The average IQ of a normal human being is considered to be around 100, with a standard deviation of 15. This means that most people fall within the range of 85 to 115 on the IQ scale, which is considered to be within the normal or average range of intelligence.