Nothing is nothing yet it is something. Nothing is not colored yet it is colored. Nothing is everything yet it is nothing, too. You can not really describe nothing.
Because lots of nothing is still exactly nothing.
Nothing special. They are squares of prime numbers.
You sit back and do nothing! The number is rounded to exactly that extent.
only, nothing more than, no more than, exactly (that one depends on how u use it. if your saying "That's just what I want!" u could say "That's exactly what I want!")
Today nothing exactly is known.
Nothing is exactly worthless!
Exactly 0.35 - nothing more, nothing less.
eXactly nothing
Because lots of nothing is still exactly nothing.
Nothing rhymes exactly with forget it.
tank you for nothing
nothing exactly rhymes with smoother
Nothing. There are exactly the same thing.
Exactly Light Art. Nothing more, nothing less.
Absolutely nothing. They are exactly the same.
exactly that: you don't get a lemonade stand permit nothing more nothing less