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Q: What is nought point one as a percentage?
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How do you write 0.017 in words?

nought point nought one seven or seventeen one thousandths

What is nought point nought nine as a fraction?

Nought point nought nine as a fraction is 9/100

2.22 times 0.005 in word form?

The product is 0.0111 = nought point nought one one one

How do you say 0.1 in words?

Nought point one

What is the answer Subtract nought point one from two?


What is nought point 2?

0.2 is 1/5 as a fraction, and 20% as a percentage.

What must you multiply nought point seven by to get two point one?


What is the decimal in words for 0.06?

nought point nought six

How do we call 0.5 in words?

It is nought point five, zero point five, or one half

How do you write 5.0084 in word?

five point nought nought eighty four

What is one-tenth of a milliliter?

nought point one millimetres , 0.1 mm . or 0.0001 metres .