Three billion five hundred fifty million five hundred eighty-four thousand nine hundred ninety and one hundred seventy-nine thousand three hundred one millionths.
16 in number words = sixteen
One simpler way to say it is in scientific notation, which would be 8.6 x 10^4.
As a fraction, with whole numbers for the numerator and the denominator. In other words, as the "ratio" of two integers - hence the name.
muhammed is the number one name in the world
A limerick (5 lines).
· nail · name · nod · note · notice · number
5.7 is in number format. In words it is 'Five point seven'.
Chad Johnson changed his name because his football number is 85 and he wanted to put his number in words above his number on his jersey. The person said no when he asked and the only exception was if he bought a million dollar jersey that had the number 85 and the words on top but he didn't want to buy it so he changed his name to Chad Ochocinco and therefore the words are above his jersey as he wished.
A number name is what it is called in words in whatever language the reader happens to be using.Some examples of the number name for 12 are twelve or douze, or zwolf (with an umlaut), or doce, or dodici, or baarah.
There is no lowest number, but a candidate for the lowest one WITH a name is "minus one googolplexian", which is -1 followed by a googolplex 0s.
16 in number words = sixteen
I don't think there is a number with that name. There is a number called Graham's number; it is too big to be expressed in scientific notation. In other words, you can't indicate the number of zeroes with the usual methods.
The correct answer is one hundred thousand.
Alkali.This is irrelevant padding to make up the required number of words for an acceptable answer.
wc is the word count utility. wc <file name> would return four values number of lines, number of words, number of characters, filename of the file processed
Exactly as its name implies. It is exploitation on a massive level. In other words, exploiting a large number of people.