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Q: What is number being multiplied together to obtain in a product are the?
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What is it when prime numbers are multiplied together to get the original number?

Then, we obtain the multiple or the product of prime numbers.

The numbers being multiplied together to obtain a product are the what?


What are the numbers being multiplied together to obtain a product?

Multiplicand times multiplier equals product

What are the numbers that you multiply together to get a product called?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the product. They are both also known as factors.

What is a number you multiply to get the product called?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the product. They are both also known as factors.

The number we multiply to get a product is called a?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the product. They are both also known as factors.

What is a number you multiply to get a product called?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the product. They are both also known as factors.

What are numbers you multiply together called?

The multiplicand is multiplied by the multiplier to obtain the product. They are both also known as factors.

How are product and multiples related?

Factor is a number that can be multiplied with a particular number to obtain another number. Conversely, multiples are the product, which is reached after multiplying the number by an integer. The number of factors of a particular number is limited, but the number of multiples of a given number is endless.

What is the product of 25.11 and 14.13?

"The product of" means to multiply them together to obtain an answer or product.25.11 x 14.13 = 354.8043Therefore, the product is 354.8043

How can a 5 be a composite and a prime number?

It cannot. A number can be one or the other, but never both. The definition of Composite, is that it is "Composed" of primes, in other words that two or more primes were multiplied together to obtain it. 5 is prime.

Is 50 a squared number?

50 is not a square number if you mean can any whole number be multiplied by itself and obtain 50.